Wednesday, August 24, 2022

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Intel xdk for windows 10.Development Tools 


Download Intel XDK for Windows - .


Subscription added. Subscription removed. Sorry, you must verify to complete this action. Please click the verification link in your email. You may re-send via your profile. I was using intel xdk earlier on windows 7. Please do help. If you have the XDK installed when you upgrade to Windows 10 it sometimes stops working. Not sure why. The solution is to reinstall the XDK on your Windows 10 machine, that usually fixes it.

Is this a update to windows 10 or did you format and reinstall? What antivirus software do you have installed? Can you try disabling it and reinstalling? The first error message is: Rolling back failed components Rollback component 2 of 2: Node-Webkit. And try rebooting your machine before the next install, sometimes there are outstanding Windows updates that need to be installed. Thank you for replying so quickly Paul. I have tried installing every release of the Intel XDK in the default location on my Windows 10 x64 machine more than a couple times each and still nothing.

I tried the suggestions that were mentioned in that link you sent me also.. The software still will not install. I'm stumped. Any other suggestions you can give.. Thanks so much, Eric :. Are you able to install on any other machines? Is this a work machine or a personal machine? Might be some install restrictions if this is a work machine. Otherwise, stumped on this one. If you look at the screenshot, you may want to delete that directory show there as well, it's possible you have HD corruption, you may want to run chdksk.

Also, make sure you have enough HD space. For more complete information about compiler optimizations, see our Optimization Notice. Software Archive. This community is designed for sharing of public information.

Please do not share Intel or third-party confidential information here. Intel xdk not working on windows Tags: HTML5.

All forum topics Previous topic Next topic. Copy link. Can you please provide additional info other than not working. Does it crash? Did you try reinstalling? Preview file. We have had very minimal issues with Windows 10 and the XDK. I have installed on Windows 10 with no problem.

Possibly try cleaning up some of these directories Post Reply.


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